Positive Expected Value
Photo by Austin Chan / Unsplash

Positive Expected Value

What value are you providing to the world?

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There is something you can be that makes you indispensable. That is valuable.

I enjoyed speaking with a friend last night about many topics. The underlying mechanism for all we can be to ourselves, our families, our employees, and the world is valuable.

There is some intrinsic benefit that you should derive from yourself. I've spent the last few days going over how my value proposition has changed over the years.

I was valuable as a high school football player and then in college athlete. I was valuable on social councils. I was valuable as an entrepreneur. I was valuable as an employee.

I can go on and on, but I'm getting that my value proposition changed depending on who I was trying to bring value to. I could not provide the same value to my coaches as my teachers. So over time my value was temporary and that delayed from seeking and seeing what truly makes me valuable to my very core.

Why should you be reading this? Why is this even important?

When you think about the next 40 years of your life, understanding and deriving the core value proposition you present will allow you to refine and produce it for every person you encounter.

They scary part, is that your core value propision may not be worth to others as much as some skills you possess.

The value I bring to my firm is being able to trade equity options. If I break that down to first principles, it's my coachability, willingness to learn, and curiosity.

If I break things down further, you find my love for people and emotional intelligence.

All attributes that can point me in several different career paths, and a reason I was able to work in Venutre, Start-ups, Engineer and Product. It's why I can be both a Pastor and a Trader.

As much as I want to grow my trading capability, I must be somewhat selfish in understanding that my value proposition is to the entire world. I must ask myself, what skill can I continue to develop that stands to benefit as many people as possible?

Being the best Trader I can be stands to benefit circles of influence, from mentoring junior traders to using my earnings to give to the Church.

But when I leave the desk, I must go home to my wife and kids and make sure I've spent my entire day sharpening skills that make me the best husband and father I can be. This is why first principles are fundamental.

At my more, if I am in a dark room, and only one person can come in, what value can I offer that person? This will not be your ability to sale, code, trade, preach or any of that. This very well could be your ability to listen. This can be your ability to teach, your ability to comfort. The value you can bring everybody you interact with can be the presence of peace that dwells with you.

Today won't be a long post, but whatever words I could continue to type are not worth the thoughts you should be having after reading this. Find a dark, quiet room and sit there for a while. If a random person were to walk in, what value could I bring to their life? What value would I want to bring to their life? Lean into that.

Every great person I know knows they are valuable and knows how they are valuable. You are the world's light, the salt of the Earth; act like it.



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Written by

O. Arowolaju

O. Arowolaju

believer. husband. father. | Searching for humanity's greatest common factor.