What is Humanity's Greatest Common Factor?

Welcome to the Greatest Common Factor Podcast hosted by O. In this show, O explores the concept of humanity's greatest common factor, exploring what sets individuals apart while also identifying the common characteristics that make them ordinary.

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Welcome to the Greatest Common Factor Podcast. I'm your host, O. I'm a believer, a husband, a father, and I'm searching for humanity's Greatest Common Factor. But what does that mean? I spent some time with millionaires, national champions, and great mothers. Outside of what sets them apart, there are some common characteristics that make them ordinary. There are things that you have in common with great people.

We will conduct interviews once a month to discover what these factors are. We will hear from a pastor who solved the problem that turned into a multimillion-dollar company. A basketball player who, after over half a decade of playing, finally won a national championship. And hopefully, we will hear from great people like you because there are great factors that you possess that can help somebody unlock their potential.

Hopefully, as a result of listening to these stories, you will discover that everybody in the world has something in common, something inside of them that makes them great. Resources on how you can discover your Greatest Common Factor can be found at gcflab.com. That's gcflab.com. You'll also find places to read, to listen, and to watch as this platform grows into a laboratory to develop the next generation of great people. The motivation behind this podcast is that I really believe that if we have great people, then; as a result, we will have a great world. And for society to move forward, for humanity to move forward and to progress, we need to make sure that all the potential that we carry as a nation, as a society, as a world is leveraged for the greater good.

And we begin that by just looking inside and finding out what we already have. I'm your host, O, and I'm searching for humanity's Greatest Common Factor.



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Written by

O. Arowolaju

O. Arowolaju

believer. husband. father. | Searching for humanity's greatest common factor.